náměstí Kinských, 150 21 Prague, Czechia
By clicking the contact button, you will be able to get in touch with the property manager partner and to rent your home 100% online.Rooms for rent in a furnished 4-bedroom apartment on Nám. Kinských. Note that there is a 2100 czk cleaning fee at the exit.Also there is a 100 ckz fee for using the washing machine, and 50czk for the drier. Important: - We haven’t visited this place... yet. We send Homecheckers to visit every apartment on Spotahome, so come back soon for a guided tour plus 360° and HD photos.
Typ nemovitosti: Pokoje
Město: Prague
Ložnice: 1
Plocha: 111 m2
Cena: 21500 Kč
Dostupnost: 2025-02-11
Vybavený: Ano
Pračka: Ano
Cena za m²: 193 Kč